1) That my procedure went well yesterday, with no complications so far
2) The acceptance letter that I got to BYU almost 2 years ago
3) Colors that make this world vibrant
4) That my roommate and her sister and future brother-in-law made the drive home to Texas for thanksgiving in safety
5) Country music
6) The girls that have been my friends from the very beginning: Megan, Brenna, and Rachel
7) Those girls' mothers that have taken me into their homes hundreds of times and I now consider to be like 2nd and 3rd mothers to me
8) Indoor plumbing
9) The fact that I get to live in this day and age
10) My glasses/contacts, without them I would be completely blind
11) N64 - Mario Kart is unbeatable
12) Living in little old college town Provo. I love it.
13) My current ward full of seriously incredible people
14) The example that my mother has set for me and that she has inspired me to pursue a nursing career
15) The acceptance email into the nursing program that came last summer
16) My roommates, past and present
17) Time off from school
18) The fact that my family is in the process of switching from T-Mobile to AT&T - early Christmas for us!!!!
19) My CTR ring
20) All the oral care my parents payed for as I was growing up, and even now: consistent dentist appointments, teeth pulling to make room in my tiny mouth, expanders, braces (twice), retainers, and now my wisdom teeth. It is because of them I have a confident smile :D
21) A nice laptop
22) My super terrific awesome far-out daddio
23) Going to concerts - Keith Urban 2009 is still the best in my book
24) The passion that I have developed for running
25) All of my aunts, uncles, and cousins
26) The fact that my parents have lived in the same home my entire life. I wouldn't have it any other way.
27) The Book of Mormon
28) My name and the legacy of all my grandmothers that it carries
29) Internet
30) Makeup
31) Soccer
32) That I love all kinds of weather: cloudless sunny days, downpouring rain, snow, overcast, partly cloudy, thunder and lightning storms, windstorms, you name it
33) That I have never been directly affected by a dangerous natural disaster
34) Pictures and their ability to capture precious memories and moments
35) Temples
37) The Harry Potter phenomenon and that i'll always remember that I grew up during it
38) Online shopping
39) My sister (and best friend) Kirstin and brother-in-law Ty
40) Their 4 beautiful children: Brayden Hunter, Ella Jean, Rachel Lenae, and Katelin Ruth
41) All the traveling i've been able to do in my time. I hope I get to do much more!
42) The car that my parents allow me to drive
43) The only real job that i've ever had and the beautiful income that came from it
44) Lindsey Veronica Hanna
45) Modern medicine
45) The incredibly challenging and growing experience that i've had as a sunday school teacher this semester
46) Spaghetti squash
47) The ward family I have back home - K4 forever!
48) Kathy Bruner and her ability to make me laugh anytime. Oh and her hugs. They're magic.
49) All my friends who have or are currently serving missions.
50) Getting things in the mail - it ALWAYS makes my day.
51) My big brother Kevin and sister-in-law Carli - for some reason your guys' wedding day is still one of my absolute favorite memories and days to look back on
52) Their beautiful daughter Paige Marie
53) Facetime
54) Board games
55) Cider dog. My first pet ever. Cider left this world a little less than two weeks ago. He was such a good dog, and will forever be part of our family.
56) Melina. My puppy that we got just a few years ago who practically saved my life junior year of high school. I don't know how I would have survived that crappy year without her. And the fact that she is now still there to help my parents cope with the loss of Cider.
57) Type-to-learn. Taught me how to be a fast and accurate typer while I was only in 3rd grade.
58) Costco
59) Ice cream
60) My grandparents
61) My brother Rob and newest sister-in-law Diane - and the fact that they literally live 2 seconds up the stairs from me
62) Their future children that will someday consider me their favorite aunt :)
63) All my favorite pillowcases my mom helped me make growing up in an attempt to teach me how to sew
64) All the times I ever went to EFY
65) Disneyland
66) Awesome purple running shoes
67) My love for organization
68) My journal writing habits
69) Julia Farmer coming into my life my freshman year of high school. Don't know how I would have made it through high school without her.
70) The nursing NEVAC class I took my senior year
73) People who share their amazing singing voices with the world
74) The military personnel who have and continue to sacrifice so much to defend our country
75) Waldo
76) All the service other people have ever given me
77) Peanut Butter
78) Scars, on myself and on others, I just like them
79) My guy friends, I just love you all
80) The traditions of my family
81) That growing up, we ate dinner each night as a family at the dinner table
82) That no one in my family has ever experienced any substantial injury or illness
83) My blog
84) Flossing and teeth brushing
85) Shoelaces
86) Sidewalks
87) Teachers
88) The boat that we had growing up
90) My testimony
91) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
92) That I get to go home in 23 days
93) The holiday season
94) Christmas music!!!!!
95) Christmas lights
96) The Christmas spirit
97) Santa Claus
98) The real reason for the season: The Savior Jesus Christ
99) My life and everything in it that makes me happy.
2 Nephi 2:25100) All of you who read my blog
Happy holidays everyone, hope your turkey day is the best yet and that you also get to take some time to reflect on what you're most thankful for.