Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Hair Evolution

This is a post in which you will become familiar with the top of my head. So... enjoy? I don't know, telling you to like the top of my head seems kind of weird. But whatever. It's happening. When I returned to school in September, I cannot tell you how many times I was asked if I dyed/changed/highlighted my hair. Over and over and over again I gave the same answer: no. I didn't really think there had been that big of a change... until I looked at pictures comparing the difference in my hair color over a six month time span. See, the thing is, I had a very outdoorsy summer with quite a bit of sun exposure. And maybe one day I noticed some of my hair lightening up a bit, and so maybe I encouraged it a bit with a little homemade lemon juice concoction. Who knew that this would spur my peers/family/friends to think i'd gone to the blonde side?! Not that there's anything wrong with the blonde side. I've just never belonged there. Anyway, the point i'm trying to make here is: I DID NOT DYE MY HAIR. I NEVER HAVE. I NEVER WI... okay well who knows, I might rock pink or blue streaks someday haha. I promise not rip the head off of next person to ask me about it in person, despite that fact that it will be the 1459th time i've answered questions about my hair in the last 4 months. But if my own father asks me about it one more time... there might be trouble.

This is Jannette's natural hair color. Pre-Tonga. Pre-sports camp counselor. Pre-two weeks in Texas. Pre-spending every possible moment outdoors soaking up the best Summer of my life.

This is also Jannette's natural hair color. Post-Tonga. Post-sports camp counselor. Post-two weeks in Texas. Post-spending every possible moment outdoors soaking up the best Summer of my life. And yes, post-homemade lemon juice concoction.
I'll be honest. I don't hate it.

I even went so far as to crop my loved ones out of pictures just so you could focus on close-ups of my ever-changing hair color. Don't worry, i'm very much aware of the vanity required to do this.

Sooo my newest issue is that my winter hair color is coming back in. ^^
The hair that is dark and lacking sunshine and loving the bitter cold and winter snowfall. And yet... it does nothing to add to my argument that I did not dye my hair. Whatever, i've said my piece... peace? Shoot I don't know which of those is actually right haha. You get the point.

Welp, there you have it. A full blog posting for which the subject is focused on nothing but the hair that comes out of my head. Oh boy. Somebody better hurry up and give me some homework to do or something.

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