Friday, July 1, 2011

Just Jannette

Soooo, i'm finally doing it... i'm venturing into the world of blogging. For a while now I have followed a couple different blogs: some by family, some by friends, and some by people I really don't even know. I get kind of hooked to em, checking daily with high hopes for new updates and pictures. But only now am I finally starting up my own. Will it be interesting? Will it look good? Will people even care what I have to say? Will anyone even look at it? The answer to every single question is that I HAVE NO IDEA, and I don't think I really care too much about it.

I'm thinkin that this whole blogging shpealio is a good idea for me because I'm the kind of person who tends to overanalyze, overthink, and mull over things nonstop. I've learned that when I express my thoughts and share my experiences, I just feel better. Writing in my journal has always been a sort of therapy for me, and I think doing something like this will be similar to that, except that I get to share it with others.

So, to whoever is reading this, hello and welcome! And I hope you enjoy whatever it is that ends up here on this blog.

Its me, its Just Jannette.


  1. Jannette! I just found your blog and I tell you that I will definitely look at it. So I hope that you continue on with it. Because I want to know what's going on in your life.

    PS. I whip my hair... :)

  2. Oh my goodness Rachel how did you even found this?? Haha i've never even told anyone about it!!! I am still trying to decide if I am going to follow through with this because I am so bad at figuring out all the formatting and stuff. Plus I just don't know that it'll be interesting enough :) I totally love your blog every time I read it though!

    I miss you girly! And you whip that hair!!!! :)
