Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Throwback

I have some really stellar memories from Halloweens as a kid.
For some reason today I just can't shake the childhood image and feelings of sitting on the stairs by the front door, all dressed up and ready to go trick-or-treating, pillowcase already in hand. The lights were on in the kitchen but off in the living room except for a small strand of orange lights, and our two Halloween CDs were playing on repeat. Mom's white ceramic ghost was lit up, its orange eyes blinking every once in a while. I stared longingly at the clock, waiting for the time we got to go out and beg for candy from strangers (have you ever thought about how weird that really is?). Then mom reminded me that we hadn't even eaten dinner yet, and I had to be patient. Pretty sure we ate mac n' cheese.
These might be a bunch of random memories i've collected over the years all crammed together into one moment... but for whatever reason that's how they are configured in my brain. They are making me miss home today. I just want to eat some mac and cheese and have my mamma to take me trick-or-treating.
Buuuut i'm not home. And i'm not a little kid. And instead of trick-or-treating I shall spend this evening party hopping and pretending that I don't still wish I was dressed up as an overly-makeuped princess, scouting through the neighborhoods with my brother. So I settled for mom sending me pictures from Halloweens past. Which I shall now allow you to enjoy.

because all real princesses wear makeup that heavy... right?!
because i distinctly remember my kindergartner brain feeling scandalous without sleeves on this dress

because admit it, i make a cute witch

because i wanted to be just like my big sister!

(okay so apparently i got a little extra chubbs that year... whoops!)
because i'm just pretending that being a dead japanese woman ISN'T an embarrassing costume

 because still, i wanted to be just like my big sister!

because baseball player is always my fallback. it sure is this year!

Check me out 20 years ago as a pumpkin! Every child in our family has worn that exact pumpkin costume for their first Halloween. We are now down to grandchildren. It was Amelia's turn this year! And shoot dang does she make a pumpkin look adorable.


(I love you mamma! Thank you for good Halloween holiday memories and hilarious costumes!)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Nightmare Express

Text from my aunt Terilyn on Monday: Hey since you like Halloween so much you should check out the Stringtown nightmare express in Lindon. It's free. It's kind of a silly little train but if you go with friends its a lot of fun. They have a website.
My response: Oh sounds fun i'll have to check it out!!
Terilyn: The lines can be a little long and they only run through Wenesday.
Me: Oh darn might not be able to make it then.
Terilyn: Check out the website anyway.

I knew that with my crazy school schedule this week I just wasn't going to be able to make it, and I was actually pretty disappointed because I DO love Halloween. And obviously, anthing free = the best.

A few hours later I decided to be a good girl and go to FHE. And I was rewarded for it, because guess what? WE WENT TO THE STRINGTOWN NIGHTMARE EXPRESS.

I'll admit, my expectations were low. I hadn't even checked out the website yet, but I had heard from a few sources that lines could be long and it was just a cute little train ride that was put on by a few houses in a neighborhood. What we found when we arrived blew us away. Let me tell you what friends, this is not some small little get together. It is a big deal. I would definitely compare it to a haunted house run by big companies that people pay tons of money for... except that it wasn't quite as scary maybe. I'm not going to lie though, I jumped and/or screamed several times both in line and on the ride. There were people dressed up as scarers everywhere. Scarecrows on stilts, big hairy monsters that blended into bushes, little kids dressed in all sorts of terrifying costumes, figures in coffins that I could have sworn were too small to be real and then next thing I knew they were jumping out at me. Waiting in line wasn't even bad because they made a highly amusing little film to watch while waiting for your turn. From there you were moved outside where they had a display of all sorts of Halloween decorations and lights and they played a SUPER cool song (song in the video above) while the lights flashed and pumpkins/skeleton heads sang in time. Then it was time to board the train. Which was actually pretty tiny. And I felt like I was going to fall off. But hey, that just added to the experience! The next 5ish minutes were awesome. Winding all around and through the yards of houses... I actually could never really tell where we were because of the thousands of lights and decorations and tons and tons of scarers scattered throughout the route. There was even a real horse guys... with a headless horseman. I mean seriously, this thing belongs in the big leagues. We topped the whole thing off by taking a picture with Jack Sparrow (who pretty much captured the heart of every girl there in two seconds) in front of the giant pirate ship they built into their front yard.

FHE this week: definite success.

The first year they did this in 2006, they had 900 guests. Last year they had over 13,000 guests. And that is only over the span of one week! Also keep in mind, this thing is FREE (though they are asking for $2 donations now so that they can keep the production going). It takes over 300 volunteers with all the costumes, decorations, building, food, etc.

Everyone who lives in Utah should check it out. Since today is the last day... just mark this down somewhere so you remember to go next year. Look at their facebook page by clicking: HERE. Their website: HERE. Watch an awesome little preview of the ride that KSL did: HERE. You'd think they've hired me to promote their business. But really... I am just really excited by the whole thing. I mean really, what a COOL thing for a neighborhood to pull together and do every year.

I'll be working in an actual psychiatric ward where I feel like it probably wouldn't be wise to dress up... haha.
But i'll still be enjoying the spooky holiday spirit and doing something fun to celebrate. I hope everyone else is doing the same!! :)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Week Kickoff

Sometimes my dad hassles me about not blogging often enough. And then I tell him not to hassle me. And then I blog.

Happy Halloween week everyone!
Get a cool costume.
Carve a pumpkin.
Go to parties.
Listen to the Monster Mash.
Eat some candy.
Send me some candy corn (with which I have a serious love-hate relationship).
Walk through a haunted house.
Take some cute kids trick or treating (but seriously, anyone got some cute kids I can help out with?!)
And then do something to scare the crap out of a roommate or spouse or coworker or friend or stranger. And please take a picture. Because it really is quite hilarious.

Its like paying for a heart attack. I love it.

Ladies and gentlemen, that is some legitimate fear right there.

Also, y'all probably know that Ellen is pretty much my favorite. And she secured that spot even further with this video last week. Take 5 minutes to watch two of her coworkers walk through a haunted house. I promise that if you do you will be happier in 5 minutes than you are right now. There might even be tears. The good kind.

Happy Halloween Week Monday!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Numb Is (Mostly) Fun

A series of unfortunate events recently led me to spend a few hours over the course of a few days at the dentist office. 
They've robbed me.
Of money.
Of time.

Friday, it was the left side. When they first numbed me up, it wasn't very strong. I could still feel my tongue and most of my lips on that side. Once they got started, I was clearly uncomfortable and so I think the doc decided to just be extra sure I couldn't feel anything and went full steam ahead with the happy numbing needle. After that I didn't feel a thing (can I get a hallelujah!?). If only they could have numbed my eardrums too so I didn't have to hear anything either. Ugh.
Anyway, I walked out of that place certain that the left side of my face was the size of three grapefruits. Slurring my words and half-smiling, I couldn't believe that it was possible that I looked almost normal! Every time I poked my lip or put on chapstick, it just led to a fit of giggles. Numbness anywhere in my body has been known to bring out the giggles in me.
Eventually, it all led me to taking a series of selfies. It happens.
Turns out... you really would never be able to tell that my lip felt like a slug and my tongue had been rendered useless.
Then my roommate brought me a hot fudge shake from Sonic (I didn't even buy the girl a stinking birthday present, and yet she spoils me with treats after a simple dentist procedure. Yeah, i'm the worst friend ever). Well anyway, the functioning half of my tongue thoroughly enjoyed the chocolatey goodness. It may or may not have taken me a little while to realize that some spoonfuls were leaking out all over my chin... but nobody needs to see that.

Saturday morning I woke up with a surprise, and not a happy one: throat swollen, cheeks puffy, and lips nearing Angelina Jolie status. I might have freaked out a little bit and immediately sent off this picture to my mother asking whattheheckdoIdonow?! I share this picture publicly with the plea that you note the very real panic in my eyes and choose not to make fun of my just woke up/allergic reaction status face. Please and thank you.
Okay fine, i'll allow 3 seconds of genuine laughter. I at least gave myself that much.

Today I went back for round #2.
THANK HEAVENS it is finally over. Right side is thoroughly numb now, and I am just hoping and praying I don't have another reaction to the anesthetic. I'd rather not have to walk around campus tomorrow with a scarf hiding my face so I don't scare any of the little freshmen... or, you know, any of the cute (non-freshmen) men. Fingers crossed.
But oh baby i'll tell ya what, if ever there was a time to get my tongue pierced, its now! Also, with half a face as numb as mine, I can't help but imagine how hilarious it would be to attempt to kiss someone right now. Again, i'm struck with the giggles as I try to imagine it. Numbed up girl is cracking herself up over here. Its a good thing they don't give any loopy meds with the numbing stuff... you just never know what that combo might lead me to try! :)

Okay well anyway... 
Cheers to diligently brushing your teeth and flossing daily and getting cavities anyway.
Life is so fair.

Happy(ish) monday!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Another Tonga Day

Remember how once upon a time I went to Tonga?

I made friends 30,000 feet in the air.
I made friends swimming in a dark cave.
I made friends climbing through jungles.
I made friends in the middle of the ocean.
I made friends walking dirt roads surrounded by palm trees as far as you can see.
I made friends by slapping hundreds of bug bites.

I told you about all of these friends in this post: click here.
Today, these people and I were friends in Provo.
And guess what?
Even without the Tongan adventure, we still like LOVE each other.
Tonight we were in a real apartment with comfortable furniture and carpets and electricity. We ate safe American food and had cute clothes on and we were actually wearing makeup and had our hair done.

Thousands of miles away from where our friendships began, still the love continues. Okay but seriously, my heart is full to bursting with the love I feel for these people today. Life after Tonga has continued. Who would have thought that to be possible?! ;-) Some of the girls are getting ready to graduate in just a couple of months. Marriages are being planned, babies are on the way, and new nursing jobs are on the horizon. But still with everything that is happening, we can get together and be not just Tonga friends, but real friends! What.A.Blessing.

Traveling to Tonga was one of the most unique, wonderful things I have ever done and will ever do in my life. Truly, it was a once in a lifetime experience. No other time in my life will I be a young, single, flexible college student who is able to travel across the world to learn and teach and practice my nursing skills among a completely foreign culture of people. Just about everything about our trip was ideal. Tonight we reflected and recalled many of the tender mercies we received throughout our time together, and the list was long. I wouldn't trade my time in Tonga for anything in the world. It is an experience from my life that I will forever reflect on with fondness and much gratitude.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Giving You Something To Do

Sick of doing homework? Bored at work? Annoyed with everything on TV? Avoiding that pile of laundry that needs to be folded? Trying not to think about everyone on your to-do list that still needs to be checked off?
Allow me to me rescue you.
This is me, presenting you with time-wasters. 

How good are you at reading people? Find out here!

Read this. My friend Kevin is pretty cool.

I laughed a lot at this. Not so much at the remakes as the original. Poor guy. 
Someone please help him get a happier life.

Stalk some of my old posts. Obviously, all my inspiration comes from my mom stomach.

Go make me this. And then deliver it. Remember what I said about being inspired by my stomach?

Listen to some really good music.

Call someone you love. Tell them why you love them. You will be happier.

Play some old school games.

See how fast you can type.

Be amazed at the talent and beauty that exists in our world with National Geographic's photos of the day.

Help me decide what to be for Halloween. Ideas? Anyone?
No bananas, dead Japanese girls, nerds, witches, or cheerleaders. Been there. Done. That

Meh, okay you lazy bums. Back to work.
I'll be here, listening to my new boyfriend Andy Grammer*, not making eye contact with my psych test studying, and smashing down the front door to make it wide enough for my sandwich stadium to fit through.

*I know you're reading this grandma(s), and no, I don't really have a new boyfriend. He's a famous singer  I really like and I was just joking. You know i'll let you know when that happens for real... (but not with Mr. Grammer, obviously. I think Mr. Timberlake might be more my type anyway. He looks dashing in a suit and tie.)
Okay i'm done.

Monday, October 7, 2013

BOOM. Monday.

I am taking credit for this because literally AS SOON AS I SAW HIM I said this.
And no, its not just because he's black.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

A Mormon's Favorite Holiday


Two weekends a year, we members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have a celebration. A party. A really BIG party. 14 million-ish people all pumped up and ready for the same thing. Thousands flock to Salt Lake for the party. Millions more congregate at church buildings for the broadcast of the party. Still millions more cozy up in PJs on the couch and tune in to watch on TV or via internet.
For two days we get to listen, watch, and learn.
You can too.
The prophet and apostles of God will tell the world what we need to know right now. What we need to do right now. What we need to change right now. Who we need to be right now. Present-day revelation. It is so real. Really, it is. I promise.
If you are in need of guidance or direction, if you need some comfort, if you are curious about what Mormons believe, this is the weekend for you! If you have questions about anything, write them down, then pay attention. They will be answered.
How cool is that?! What a special blessing.
If you have LDS friends, prepare for your Facebook and Instagram to blow up with legit inspirational quotes we hear this weekend. There will be many. Nothing to complain about there, right?

Follow this link: and I can absolutely promise that you won't regret it.
If you know you want in on this party, click HERE.