Saturday, June 23, 2012

Rise, Shine, and Smile

{No friends, thats not water}

The half-marathon was 2 weeks ago, and since then I have run a grand total of 7 miles... woopsie. I am planning to do the Bryce Canyon Half with my brother in 3 weeks... so there was no question that I had to get out there and get some more milage in this morning.

I seriously wrestled with myself to roll my lazy butt out of bed before 6:30 this morning. If I hadn't had to go pee, I probably would have hit the snooze button, rolled over, and returned to my sweet dreams {exactly what I did every other day this week}. But then I would have woken up later, made a lame excuse about the heat, and I never would've gone. So before I knew it I was putting my contacts in, chugging water, eating oatmeal, lacing up my shoes, and I was out the door and into the sunshine.

The first 5 miles were pretty meh, especially with the cruel head wind during mile 5. I reached the mouth of the canyon, stopped and got some good stretching in, and turned around {yay for the tailwind!}, feeling renewed strength and ready to bust out the last 5 miles. And thats when I decided to try something new. In the past I have always made an effort to smile and say good morning to the other devoted early morning exercisers that I pass. Today I decided I would just smile during the entire run, whether I was around someone else or not. So, I slapped a big silly grin on my face and something amazing happened: I actually felt happy. Whereas before all I could think about how I didn't want to be running, now I was feeling sort of goofy and energized. Instead of thinking about how many steps I had taken since I last looked at my Garmin, I was thinking about all the different reasons I had to be smiling! And I have to say, whenever I did pass somebody I think they got a kick out of my ridiculous face and cheery greeting. Its amazing how simply smiling transformed my attitude and energy this morning. I'm thinking it might be a serious {or I guess it'd be a not-so-serious} goal to do this from now on :)

Doesn't it just make YOU smile to see THEIR smiles? Have a happy day friends!

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