Thursday, August 25, 2011

Just Call Me A Cougar

The most beautiful blue eyes. Dark, long, thick eyelashes. Tan. Sandy brown hair. Strong arms. Perfect build for me. A bit rugged looking. INCREDIBLY handsome.

This is how I would describe the guy sitting right in front of me at my little cousin's high school football game tonight. Lindsey and I looked, laughed, and whispered about this cutie for a few minutes, and as we left I even made a comment to my family. I mean seriously, this guys' eyes were perfect I tell you.

So, thats when my mom laughs and says, "yeah, but your aunt just told me he's 15. He's a sophomore in high school and made the varsity football team this year, so his game isn't until tomorrow."


For half an hour I had stared at this gorgeous guy who I thought was a MAN, not some 15 year old kid! He looked like he was at least 23 to me. Buuuut no, he's a sophomore in HIGH SCHOOL this year, meanwhile i'm a sophomore in COLLEGE. Ugh. So yes, my friends, I supposed I am a cougar in more than just the innocent BYU mascot kinda way.


  1. Welcome to feeling old. Get used to it. :)

  2. BAHAHAHAHA! Loved this. Hey, why not go for the young ones? We can raise them to be the men we want WHILE dating them.
