So, good news: I saw a dog today (if you are a sad sad person and don't understand this reference, see HERE and go to the 50 second mark).
No but seriously, good news guys: Thanksgiving is over and its OFFICIALLY time to start celebrating Christmas. Yes, in our apartment have been semi-secretly celebrating for over a month now... but now that the Turkey is gone and the radio has started playing Christmas music, it is socially acceptable to break out the Carpenters Christmas album and everyone can start spreading happy holiday cheer without being bullied for starting too early.
This is, without doubt, my favorite time of the year. There is an almost tangible magic in the air. So everyone, I hope you are contributing to the special season by praying for snow, counting the houses with pretty lights, preparing for ABC Family's countdown to Christmas, starting in on your goodie making, decorating your homes, singing carols, looking forward to Santa's visit, and putting up your trees. No Grinchyness is acceptable in a time like this! Loosen those socks, enlarge your hearts, and making it the most wonderful time of the year!
Hmm, speaking of trees, I think its high time we get some new lights for ours...
Maybe Santa will bring some early!! :)