Thursday, September 4, 2014


A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend my first ever temple open house at the recently remodeled Ogden, UT temple. A temple open house is a time for the public to tour the inside of a temple before it becomes a dedicated house of the Lord, a place for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to participate in sacred worship and making covenants with God.

I can't even begin to express the beauty of that building. It was overwhelming, really. So quiet and so clean. Everything from the light switch details to the imprints in the carpet to the massive chandeliers help to contribute to the stunning perfection of the place.

I was excited for the chance to go into rooms of the temple i've never seen before and get my first tiny little glimpse at what my future holds. As much as I was grateful for this experience, I couldn't help but feel a little bit at a loss as I briefly walked through each room, because I knew it would be my last time there for a while. In order to enjoy the full blessings of the temple, I still have some important steps to take, some important covenants to make.

When I was 12 years old, I met with my bishop and qualified to receive a limited-use temple recommend, which allows me to participate in baptisms and confirmations for the dead. Until I was 17, I drove the 20 minutes with my youth group twice a year to the Seattle temple to do the baptisms, and it was always an activity I looked forward to. When I started college in Provo, there was a temple within walking distance from my apartment. Over the course of the last four+ years, I have tried to make temple attendance a priority in my life. Getting there once a week has been a goal that at times I have diligently followed through with and I have felt incredibly blessed for doing so. During times of personal turmoil, stress, or worry, I flee to the temple, a refuge from my storms. When I make the temple a central focus and make my visits there a weekly priority, I feel closer to God. While inside, I feel calm, at peace, and protected from the noise of the outside world. Even after I leave, I am left with an increased sense of power and strength in almost everything that I do. I just feel so happy.

There is still much progress left for me to make as I attend the temple and prepare for the future. Someday I will received my temple endowment, a gift from God that will allow me to make additional covenants and learn more about His eternal plan for me and my family. Someday I will be sealed to the man I love for time and all eternity, and our family will be together forever. For the rest of my life, I will attend the temple regularly to remember the promises I have made, to remember my purpose on earth, and to remember what this eternal life is really all about.

I have been pondering more and more lately about what I want for my life, and what I can do to be better. The temple is something that just won't leave my mind. I am constantly striving to prepare myself to enter further into the temple to make additional covenants. My tour through the Ogden temple only strengthened these feelings. It almost hurt my insides to see everything so briefly, and to not be able to dwell there. I yearn to go inside and stay for a while inside a dedicated building where I can feel my Heavenly Father and Savior's love, and where I can receive personal revelation. I want to get there. I will get there.

My friends, there are 143 operating temples on the earth today. Fifteen more are currently under construction, and 12 more have been announced. I know that each and every once of these temples is a literal house of the Lord. It is the most sacred place on earth that anyone could ever possibly be. I myself have been inside temples in: Seattle, WA, Salt Lake City, Draper, Provo, Oquirrh Mountain (all Utah), and Nuku'alofa, Tonga, and I have seen countless more from the outside.

My parents were sealed in the temple almost 34 years ago, and as a result our family is bound together for this life and in the eternity to come. I cannot explain to you what a blessing that has been in my life. I am so comforted to know that families are forever, even after death. I know that this is true. In the past few years I have watched many of my closest friends emerge from the temple doors newly married to their love forever and ever. I'd say the smiles on their faces adequately explain that there is no greater blessing. I can't wait to have this experience for myself. I mean come on, isn't love and family what life is really all about?! Of course!

I love to see the temple, i'll go inside someday.

And now a HUGE thanks to the Barnes fam for including me on their trip to their city's temple open house!

*If you have ANY questions about anything that i've written about temples in this blog today, or anything about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and it's members in general, please do not hesitate to ask me questions, or to visit or You can also view more of what I believe here on my profile: Feel free to share this blog post through facebook, email, or any other social media. This is a message for everyone! :)

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