Saturday, July 21, 2012

That's The Good Stuff

Once in a while a day comes along that is just good. Good things happen with good people, and it makes you feel dang good inside. I was lucky enough to have a good day yesterday.

It was the last day of my babysitting job, but it may as well have been my birthday when I saw the mountain of food that Allison was giving to me instead of packing it up to take on their big move. Cereal, oatmeal, hot chocolate, pasta, cake mixes, dressings, canned veggies, and so much more... I'm now a good mormon girl with a food storage :)
Thank you Allison!

After returning home in the afternoon, Diane and I went and treated ourselves to a little pedicure action. I usually avoid pedi half of mani-pedi's because I am painfully ticklish and it takes every ounce of my energy to not yank my foot away the entire time, but I made it through with only some minor twitches and giggling, and it was great! And now i'm sporting some saweeeet neon yellow toesies. And, as usual, Diane and I failed at documenting our good times together... really gotta work on that.

Then the greatest thing ever happened. My buddy Josh came to Provo. Man I miss that boy when he's not here! His happy smiling face never fails to brighten my day (plus, he brings me ice cream, and how could that not brighten anyone's day?). This kid and I have stuck together and helped each other out with a lot of stuff in the short time that we've known each other, and there's no doubt that I consider him to be a best friend. So he came over and we got down to business. Thats right, we busted out the N64 Mario Kart. And not to brag buuuut I kicked his butt... twice. Okay so maybe it wasn't so much of a booty kicking as it was last minute luck on my part. I thought I might die of happiness and laughter when he spun out on a crab right in front of the finish line and I zipped past him to take 1st place by .03 seconds. I just wish we had had a video camera going to capture this moment in time for forever, because we were both freaking out in very different ways, and it was hilarious.

Josh had to take off for a while and so I went with Rob and Diane to get our typical summer evening treat.
Delectable as always :)

I was lucky enough to spend the rest of my night with my two of my favorite people: Joshie Pie and Jonny Cakes, as they named themselves on my whiteboard. Popcorn and an exciting movie was all that was needed for a good time, plus some other random shenanigans :) Love you boys!
My point of view as "we" struggled to get the movie set up... haha sorry guys, couldn't resist.

Everyone should be impressed. I have a feeling this takes more strength than you'd think...

Tomorrow is going to be a good day too, know why?

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