Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Week Kickoff

Sometimes my dad hassles me about not blogging often enough. And then I tell him not to hassle me. And then I blog.

Happy Halloween week everyone!
Get a cool costume.
Carve a pumpkin.
Go to parties.
Listen to the Monster Mash.
Eat some candy.
Send me some candy corn (with which I have a serious love-hate relationship).
Walk through a haunted house.
Take some cute kids trick or treating (but seriously, anyone got some cute kids I can help out with?!)
And then do something to scare the crap out of a roommate or spouse or coworker or friend or stranger. And please take a picture. Because it really is quite hilarious.

Its like paying for a heart attack. I love it.

Ladies and gentlemen, that is some legitimate fear right there.

Also, y'all probably know that Ellen is pretty much my favorite. And she secured that spot even further with this video last week. Take 5 minutes to watch two of her coworkers walk through a haunted house. I promise that if you do you will be happier in 5 minutes than you are right now. There might even be tears. The good kind.

Happy Halloween Week Monday!!

1 comment:

  1. FYI the best Halloween candy are the candy pumpkins at the bookstore. Fresher than anywhere else. Just sayin'.
