Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Here It Comes...

Less than 6 months from now i'll be a college grad.
Experiencing feelings of terror and uncertainty about the future has led me to believe that I would not encounter any senioritis.
What a stupid belief that was.
I can feel it coming on, guys. The frustration with assignments that will have absolutely no worth to me in a very short time is starting to really build up. It's not necessarily that the work is hard... but i'm so close to being a nurse who comes and goes from the hospital, leaving my work at work, I can almost taste it. And it tastes real good.

Here's a pretty typical progression for me:
Ugh. Fine.
Oooh, distraction.
I give up. Nap time.
Mmm, Diet Coke. It's the little things.

Brought to you today by Jannette, the senioritis stricken BYU nursing student who prioritizes taking pictures of herself doing nothing over being productive and finishing her clinical post-assessment.


  1. And read today by Diane, who prioritized reading fun blogs over cleaning bathrooms and vacuuming.
