Monday, November 4, 2013

The Coolest Thing I've Ever Been

I'm a mormon.
And it's the coolest thing i've ever been.
I finally decided to do what we mormons been counseled to do, and I made a profile.
I'm pretty excited about it too.
So you should check it out: HERE.

Also on there are some seriously awesome videos featuring different mormons around the world. You know Brandon Flowers, the lead singer of The Killers? The dude is mormon. Ever heard of Alex Boye (he's worked with everyone from Smashing Pumpkins to Beyonce)? Also mormon. Jimmer Fredette and Jabari Parker: totes mormon. Some of these guys and soooo many others have taken the time to share with the world what they believe and why they believe it. And they are also showing you that we mormons are normal people. We may believe some things that confuse or are misunderstood some people, but I swear it is all really cool stuff that will do nothing but uplift you and make you feel really, really good about life. I promise.

Just check some of these videos out. They aren't churchy or preachy and they aren't going to try to convert you on the spot. They are just cool videos of cool people doing cool things.... all while living as a mormon. 

Brandon Flowers:

Alex Boye:

Super legit (and extremely attractive) famous rugby player:

I've got a REAL good life. And so much of that is due to my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I know who I am. I know where I came from. I know why I am here. I know where i'm going.
I'm a daughter, a sister, a student, a future nurse, a friend, a runner, and so much more. 
I'm Jannette, and i'm a mormon!

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