Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Shamelessly Gloating

Usually on finals week i'm putting off real work by blogging things like this: click here
And this: click here
And this: okay but seriously, click here

I spend my time moanin' and groanin' and stressin' about how dumb and unfair and overwhelming and life-consuming and stupid and manipulative and hateful and horrible and useless final exams are. But not this time, folks. My first final was for my online Humanities class, and I took it before Thanksgiving break: CHECK. My second and third finals were scheduled last week: CHECK and CHECK. I had two more finals to take. I could have spaced them out and studied real hard until my brains started to leak out of my ears (believe it or not, otorrhea is a real thing), but instead I decided to just hurry up and get those suckers done and over with. I was done before noon on the first day of finals week: CHEEEEEECK. So instead of moanin' and groanin' and stressin', i'm packing to go home tomorrow and going on a nice quick little morning jog and doing some online Christmas shopping and enjoying the relaxing life of an anti-procrastinator. I'll admit, it feels pretty dang good. For those of you suffering from the wrath of final exams, I still suggest you to seek a few moments of sweet distraction and relief from those links above.

I will be sitting on a homebound plane in 24 hours! I can't wait!

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