Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Big Changes!

Big changes on our horizon! Well, closer than the horizon actually because sometimes life happens so fast and its difficult to stay on top of it all, let alone stay up to date with blogging about it.

We are moving! About a month ago right before school started for Matt, we had a discussion about how nice it would be if we lived closer to his work/school. We really love everything about living in South Jordan, but the commuting deal is no fun and such a time-sucker, especially with Utah's never ending road construction. We agreed to start thinking seriously about it and maybe looking around for a new apartment. More quickly than we expected, one quick discussion about maybe moving turned into real decision and action. We found a great apartment in Orem that is less than 10 minutes from both work and school for Matt. After walk-throughs at several other places, after seeing this place we instantly knew we wanted it to be ours! Thankfully, within days the landlord contacted us with the good news - we got it! By October 1st we will have a new place to call home.

SO that meant that if I kept my current job, I would be the one commuting every day, and that was no good either. When I accepted my job at Aspen Ridge last summer I told myself that after a year or two of nursing experience there, I would start looking again for a hospital job. Its hard to pull myself away from such a great company, but I always considered it my foot in the door to nursing, and I wouldn't let myself stay there too long. I have learned so much from my first nursing job. I have been blessed to work with many fabulous nurses, CNAs, and other employees who have helped me so much. But with our decision to move, it was a no brainer to find a new job. So I am very happy to report that I have been hired to work full time on the med/surg and ortho/neuro floors at Timpanogos Regional Hospital in Orem! I start this week and I am crazy excited (pretty dang nervous too) for what lays ahead in this next step of my nursing career.

Within the next 10 days we will be packing and moving, starting a new job, playing with family in town, attending a family wedding, and welcoming a brand new baby in the family with cuddles and kisses. Also i'll probably miraculously squeeze in 50 or so episodes of 30 Rock during that time. All big and exciting stuff! We are very aware of the strength of prayer, fasting, blessings, and family support in our life, and we feel so grateful for all we have.

And i'm so lucky to have my hubs to go through all this with me and absorb my stress like a sponge and squeeze it all back at me with hugs and laughs (too weird?). Whatevs, love you!


  1. Congratulations on the move and the new job!

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