Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Today's 10 discoveries:

1) Pears are not the prime food to eat when you have giant wisdom teeth holes in the back of your mouth.

2) I am actually capable of putting extra peanut butter back into the jar instead of just taking more out. I know I know, it was a shocking moment for me too!!

3) Even after 3 weeks of being a lazy bum (okay lets be honest, its basically been since I did my half at the end of october) I am still capable of putting running shoes on and moving at a pace faster than a sluggish stroll!! I'm not sure that 3 miles has ever been so painful. It feels good to be back on track though :) I have to keep it up!

4) My roommate bites.

5) My mind produces the weirdest nap dreams ever.

6) I am not built for sitting on a couch and studying all day long. Getting up and dancing around the kitchen with notes in hand is necessary for thorough understanding of digestion, sexual differentiation, and repro (tomorrow's physiology test topic... joy!).

7) Brandon Flowers' pandora station is the best (big thanks to Brent on that discovery).

8) There are only 4 class periods, one test, and 5 finals standing in the way of me and a plane ride back to Seattle.

9) I can sometimes be extremely spacey and easily distracted.

10) It is possible to get to class in one piece even when its 16 degrees outside and you feel like your fingers are going to start breaking and falling off and shattering to a million pieces because they are that frozen.

A day of discoveries :) What did YOU discover today?


  1. so i think that most people when reading "My roommate bites" might think you don't like your roommate too much... but from personal experience i know that you mean she literally bites! I have experienced it many times!! haha I love reading your blogs :P I always think i should start my blogging again.. then it never happens :)

  2. That you guys are stealing our heat. Our room is freezing!
