Thursday, December 22, 2011

*Sugar Shudder*

I love being home.
I love playing games.
I love the big screen TV.
I love our family dinners.
I love being with my family.
I love our big cozy couches.
I love family shopping trips.
I love the lights on our house.
I love all our countdown calendars.
I love goofing off with my crazy family.
I love being back in beautiful Washington.
I love getting to cuddle with my puppy again.
I love the constant Christmas music in our house.
I love the real Christmas tree cut down by my daddio.
I love the feeling of not having any school work to stress over.
I love the movies and books and decorations all over the house.
I love sleeping in my own queen sized bed (yes, I'm spoiled like that).
I love seeing people from my home ward that i've been in my entire life.
I love all the presents under the tree that my mamma has carefully wrapped.
I think its clear, I love being home.

But oh, the FOOD. It never ends. Its everywhere. It surrounds us. Everywhere you turn, there's a bowl or a container or a jar or a cup filled with something delicious. Its dangerous. I'm serious. Today I went around and gathered it all together so I could show the rest of the world that i'm not exaggerating. And believe it or not friends, this isn't even all of it
*sugar shudder*
Oh and ps, ITS ALL HOME MADE. My mom = Mrs. Claus with some seriously wicked baking and candy making skills.

Would you like to know what you're seeing here folks? Because i'm going to tell you. So buckle up, and grab yourself a tissue because you're going to need something to clean up all the drool you're about to produce.

1) Hard tack. Huckleberry, raspberry, lemon-lime, and strawberry hard candy deliciousness.
2) Toffee. Chocolate and nutty goodness.
3) Peanut brittle. The best she's ever made. Makes my teeth stick together, totally worth it.
4) Jelly beans and jelly wreaths. Okay, not home made, but still great. Green ones are always fought over. Red ones get left in the jar.
5) Peppermint kisses. Also not home made, but heavenly.
6) Bread. Lemon, poppyseed, and pumpkin chocolate chip. Take your pick.
7) Fudge. This year with no nuts (YAY) and SO very delectable.
8) Hello Dolly bars (or 7 layer bars, depending on what your own mamma called them). Coconutty greatness.
9) Yummy soft chewy mints.
10) Almond cranberry white chocolate chip bark.
11) White chocolate covered pretzels.
12) M n' Ms. Every kind. Almond, peanut, original, pretzel, mint. WHY do they not make Christmas colored peanut butter ones?!
13) Candy canes.
14) Rocky road chocolate bars.
15) Molasses cookies.
16) White chocolate dipped peppermint oreos. Irresistible.
17) Super soft frosted sugar cookies.
18) Oh, and dare I mention that we have SIX cartons of ice cream in the freezer?

Crazy thing is, there is always more being made or coming in to us from friends and neighbors.
I live in candyland.

So, the point is, don't be surprised when January 2nd rolls around and you have to use a forklift to transport me back to Provo. A plane is out of the question, seeing as my accumulated sugar weight would bring the whole thing down. In fact, we wouldn't even be able to take off, so lets not risk that embarrassment and just stick with a forklift. Or maybe a U-Haul... hmm I like our options here!

Cheers, here's to waiting for Santa to come, and looking more and more like him every day.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot the tin of wreaths behind the computer downstairs! ;-)
