Sunday, December 18, 2011

Happy Birthiversary

Its a big busy weekend.

Item of business #1:
I think I know of at least 5 couples that just got married this weekend, but there is one couple that I specifically wish to mention today, and they've been married a little bit longer than a few days. Its more like... 31 YEARS. Thats right guys, as of today my parents have been married for 31 years. 31 years of love, growth, and tremendous experiences. They've been a pretty productive and special 31 years. I mean come on, they made this didn't they?:

Happy anniversary mom and dad! You guys just have so many cute pictures together, how could I not share them with the world? :)

Item of business #2:
Its Kirstin's birthday!!! How old is she today? I'm NOT telling because she would kill me! But here's a clue for you to try and decipher: she's not turning 29, and she's not turning 31 (well thank goodness, that would make the previous item of business a rather scandalous one...). But check this girl out, does she look like she's turning... um, whatever age she is turning?! Absolutely NOT. I mean come on, when we're together people ask us which of us is the older sister. So that could mean that I should be concerned that maybe I look 10 years older than I really am... but I don't worry about it because I know the truth is that she has a rockin' body and a healthy, young, wrinkle-less face that does not depict her age.

Happy birthday big (littler) sister! I can't wait to see you in a few weeks so we can add to our thousands of pictures together!

Item of business #3:
Its my cousin Taylor's 20th birthday! This guy is such a stud. And he's got the best dimples on the planet. He is serving a mission in Brazil right now, and I am going to seriously miss having him around during family stuff this Christmas! Happy birthday Tay!

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