Wednesday, January 11, 2012

News To Me

I don't know much about whats going on in the world. I don't read the newspaper or watch the news on TV. CNN isn't on my favorites tab. Admittedly, when I hear about big significant national or world events its usually through facebook or by word of mouth. On the rare occasions when I have watched the news, its because i'm always hoping something like this will happen. Who doesn't like a little live action humor right? But seriously, I often feel so extremely undereducated and underinformed as far as whats going on out there in the real world, outside of little old college town Provo. At this period in my life it really isn't a big deal. These days my mind is constantly preoccupied with those 5am nursing clinicals that start next week, what I have to do for my church calling before next week, what am I going to eat for lunch, what are Brent and I going to do tonight, ooh I have some gossip to tell Lindsey, when can I watch the latest episode of Modern Family, man i've got a lot of textbook reading to do, did I make my bed this morning, what am I going to do this weekend, I need to email that professor, etc. As a sophomore in college i'm pretty wrapped up in collegey things. BUT, that is no excuse. I am not JUST a college student. I am a person in this world. I am a citizen in this country. I have opinions and feelings and I care about whats happening in the world and how it is going to affect me and my future.

So i've decided to set a goal for myself. Presidential elections are upon us. There are candidates and debates and caucuses and votes and all that jazz. I want to become involved in learning about each of the candidates. I want to know who they are, what they stand for, and what they have to offer. I'll spend 15-30 minutes every day on learning about the upcoming election so that I can become the nation's newest informed voter. I'm excited. I'm excited to learn about something because I WANT to and because I am CHOOSING to, not because its being presented to me by a professor in a classroom setting. Here's to being proactive. Wish me luck.

Plus, learning about all this stuff will make SNL skits like this and this even funnier than they already are.

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness girl, just like 3 days ago I was having the same thoughts! For an application I was filling out, one of the questions was something like, "What do you think is the biggest problem this nation is facing?" and I seriously was like....uhhhh..... and I had to google it! and I ended up on CNN lol i know nothing about whats happening
