Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Goats and Zombies

In honor of Halloween:

1) One of my favorite videos that I know I have posted at least once before. Please enjoy it as much as I do: http://www.hulu.com/watch/189400

2) Family trip to the pumpkin patch!

3) Zombie chase. We were volunteers. Got zombified, and then proceeded to attempt to scare the racers in bright morning sunrise. Let me tell ya, not such an easy task. And then before long it was time for the paintball section. AKA stand there and let race participants shoot paintballs at you. Before this weekend I had never been hit with a paintball before. I thought hey whats the big deal, we'll just be good sports and have fun with it. When I asked Rachel how bad it hurt she told me to imagine a little tiny fist punching me really hard. After experiencing it, i'd say thats pretty accurate, as long as you factor in the nice painful sting that goes along with it. Oh, and the welts and bruises. Yep, legs are covered in them. Awesome. But really, it was pretty fun and a good use of a saturday morning. Now, i'm not sure I can say the same thing about the rest of the day... since we all slept... for a long time... like pretty much all day. Lazy bums, I know.

Happy Halloween friends! Eat a lot of candy and be happy.

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