Saturday, December 22, 2012

To Josh and Kristin

Once upon a time, I met Kristin Queen. While we didn't exactly click at our very first hello (she thought I hated her for some reason... I didn't!), living together for a school year allowed us to develop an awesome friendship. Through spilled jelly, shared frustration over crumbs on the counter, long talks in the living room, runs around Provo, and all the other fun stuff that comes along with being roommates, I got the chance to discover what an amazing woman Kristin is. She is thoughtful, kind, compassionate, caring, selfless, and extremely funny. Being her friend has made my life better.

Once upon a time, I met Joshua Garvin. It only took about two seconds for me to click with this kid. I had the chance to spend a lot of time around Josh when he first moved in, and it didn't take long at all for us to form an awesome friendship. I quickly learned that there is never a dull moment in his presence. His energy is boundless. His enthusiasm for life is contagious. His desire to serve others is inspiring. In the year that I have known Josh, he has earned a spot as one of my favorite people in the world. 

Once upon a time, Josh met Kristin. And if you ask me, it didn't take long for Josh to fall hard for her. I mean come on, you can't blame the guy. However, circumstances at the time prevented them from being any more than friends. And the best of friends they became. Having connections on each side of their relationship was an interesting position for me to be in. I knew what each was thinking and feeling about the other, and at times it was a struggle to keep track of everything that was happening. More times than I can count Josh called me up and we would head out to run a few miles so he could unload his thoughts and questions on what to do and how to make it so that something more could happen between him and Kristin. Me being the relationship expert that I am (insert heavy sarcasm here), I assured Josh that he was an incredible guy, and that if he just held on a while longer then maybe something would change. If it was meant to happen, it would. He didn't need much more than that from me to take matters into his own hands and start his future with Kristin.

Today, two of my best friends are getting married. To each other. Two of the greatest people that I know are being sealed together for eternity, and I have no doubt that they are going to be happy from now until forever. 

Josh and Kristin, I love you both! Congratulations!

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