You know it is Thursday for Jannette when...
When my alarm went off at 4:25 this morning, I hit the snooze button. I never hit the snooze button.
I wake up to find my Sleep Cycle app (coolest thing ever, btw) telling me that I didn't move around enough last night... which of course means I probably wasn't breathing enough... which surely means I was on the brink of death. Right? Happy thoughts to kick off this day.
On the Trax on the way the hospital I found out from my peers that a partner assignment i've been freaking out about isn't in fact due tomorrow. It's due next Friday. Turns out, that is exactly what the one line email from the professor said... which I just happened to misread. Sorry, partner. My bad.
I was in the NICU today. Awesome. Well yeah, it would have been if my patients hadn't slept all day and didn't even want to be held. Also, this cut from yesterday should really be no biggie, but dang man when you have to use hand sanitizer every 30 seconds (but seriously... in the NICU its almost that often) that little bugger stings.
Thursdays like this call for drastic measures. My tired body needed a pick-me-up. To make myself feel just a little bit justified, I have to tell you: a) It's diet. b) I ate an apple and downed a liter of water before I let myself drink this. That makes this healthy, am I right? Don't judge me.
Before I even made it out of the store... today's drastic measures ended up all over my scrubs. My clean, very white scrubs. No Mr. cash register man, I am not 4 years old.
When I got home to change clothes, I put my new shirt on inside out and backwards.
Once properly dressed, I checked the mailbox, and there was one letter in it. With my name on it, yay!! Wait a minute... it was the rent check I put in the outbox yesterday... there was no stamp on it. No Mr. mailman, I am not 4 years old. High five, Jannette, high five.
Whaaa? Its only 3 in the afternoon? Oh boy, there is way too much time left and way too much potential for Thursday to continue to ruin me. I haven't eaten lunch yet, and who even knows what kind of danger that holds?! Me and my DP will just be here, trying real hard not to cause any more damage to myself or the world.
Fingers crossed.
In other news: Gosh, I just want a cheeseburger. Nope, scratch that and make it a corndog. I checked out an exciting new book from the library. I have way too much homework to do. I get to go camping tomorrow. Only 26 days until I kiss this crazy semester gooooodbye. I'm stoked for General Conference in 9 days. I'm taking a cooking class next fall. I saw a bumper sticker today that said "My great dane can lick your honor student." Totally normal.