Thursday, June 27, 2013

Boy Meets World

Fact about me: I love television shows.
I love movies, too.
But there is something about a good TV show that really gets me. 
Thorough character development and good story telling is what reels me in.
Maybe i've been known to watch entire seasons of shows in a matter of a few days or weeks (LOST {twice}, Arrested Development, Grey's Anatomy, One Tree Hill, Friday Night Lights {twice}, the list continues).
Huge waste of time? 
Also totally worth it?
Uh, chyea.

In my earliest memories, I can remember watching two shows pretty religiously with my mom. 7th Heaven was one of them, and unfortunately when it hit its 179th season it went off the rails wacko with weirdo post-heart attack Pastor Camden and sweet little Ruthy turning into kind of a bad girl (please tell me i'm the only one who felt pain when all that went down). Anyway, thats not one that'll go down in history as an endlessly great classic.

But the other show we watched was pure gold from beginning to end. We're talkin' Boy Meets World here my friends. Hands down my favorite childhood show. Heck, my favorite teenage and now adult show. I distinctly remember many afternoons laying on my mom's bed after school watching a new episode together and my dad coming in the room to see Cory and Topanga kissing on screen and him saying, "WHAT are you guys watching?! This isn't appropriate!" I just rewatched the entire series from start to finish. All seven seasons. And it was magical. I smiled. I laughed. And heck yes, I cried. When I watched the series finale the other day I was a little bit embarrassed by the tears coursing down my face as I said goodbye to Cory, Topanga, Shawn, Mr. Feeny, and so many more. I can't help it. Watching those kids progress from elementary school to college, it is almost like you went through life with them as their friends and you know everything about them and love them as people. I know its just a show, I know. But i'm telling you, there is a special bond here. It is so interesting to watch these episodes now that I have grown up (a bit) and catching things that I never caught before; certain themes and jokes and undertones that went right over my head when I was a kid. It was just so FUN to relive the whole thing again.

NEWS FLASH for those who don't already know: Disney is releasing a new show in 2014 that will be called Girl Meets World. Now now, before you get too upset, know this: Cory and Topanga will both be returning to the series as the parents of a little girl. Also, this new series has the same writer and producer as Boy Meets World did back in the day. Disney, I beg of you, please don't screw this up. Please.

Here's to hoping for the best.

It is impossible to choose favorites with this show, but this episode might be my #1 pick. Eric Matthews just steals the show with his sneak attacks. And poor Jack's disgust with Eric is so great. Plus there are bloopers at the end of the episode, which they only ever do twice in the entire series. Its worth the 20 minute watch, even if you've never seen any of the other episodes. So. Dang. Funny. If you don't want to watch the whole thing, the best parts are at these times: 4:04-5:03, 8:00-8:33, 9:57-10:50, 12:59-14:57, BLOOPER: 19:53-21:26. Okay so thats a lot of best parts... but at least watch the last one and I dare you not to laugh. Maybe its only really funny if you know the characters and their whole story buuuuuut yeah I don't know, its all good stuff.

And here's the finale that made me cry like a baby, the very last scene especially:

Other great moments!

The Feeny Call:

WARRRR, what is it good for?:

Hot stuff guys' dance:

Topanga's dance (start at 1 min):

The moment Eric turned hot:

Okay, I could go on and on and on... and on. But i'll spare you. Actually y'all should just go watch the WHOLE SHOW (conveniently located on YouTube) and join in my joy of the greatness that is Boy Meets World.

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