Sunday, June 30, 2013

I Won The Tie-Dye Award

No but seriously, I did win the tie-dye award.
Each night in Fiji/Tonga two or three girls were given awards for various things such as the "mamma award" for being so good with all the kids or the "survivor award" for putting up with so many injuries that week or the "daredevil award" for being so brave and adventurous during that day's outing. Anyway, you get the picture. One of the awards I was given one night was the "tie-dye award" because yes, I was known for my shirts of many colors throughout the trip. I can't help it, i'm just a colorful person. 
And dude here's the deal. Tonga is HOT. And you sweat a lot. My logic before leaving was that i'd just tie-dye all my old white shirts different colors and wear those through the whole trip so that you'd never really be able to tell how dirty and gross I was. Well, I think it worked pretty well! But then you see all my pictures, and it seriously looks like I wore the same technicolor shirt the entire 3 1/2 weeks. Guys: I promise I didn't. I promise I showered. I promise I did laundry. I promise I rotated through my several different articles of clothing throughout the whole trip. But yeah, it was a whole lot of tie-dye. 
And I still love it all. 

Shirt #1

Shirt #2

Shirt #3

Shirt #4

Shirt #5

And then there's one of my new Tonga buddies, Casey, who likes to give me a hard time. Despite her sarcastic teasing i'm still missing her and the rest of them like CRAZY.

P.S. All credit goes to my favorite missionary Sister Rachel Thompson for making me the tie-dye master that I am. She taught me everything I know and instilled the love of tie-dye in me :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey. Just found your blog :) heh heh heh... pretty funny. I just had a good chuckle -- literally -- about this post. And you know, even though I see that they are different shirts, they look a whole lotta the same. I even thought you posted one twice. oops. heh
