Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday Monday

Don't worry friends! I haven't forgotten my regular happy monday/weekend update post! I mean, how could both of you readers survive without it, right?! Just kidding. Most of this blogging business I just do to satisfy myself, and those of you who read it, i'm glad and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do :)

My weekend was great. We're talking top notch. I did a little of just about everything and still had time to relax. How can you beat that? Wanna know what I did? Okay ready go:

Friday after class I spent the day getting some good studying in for my first real nursing test of the semester. Thank goodness for thorough study guides and extremely structured professors. It makes life SO much easier. After a few more hours of studying on saturday morning, I strolled into the testing center, aced that test, and strolled out with a big smile on my face and relief in my heart. Wooo!

Around 5 on friday Robby and Brent got home from work and the three of us grabbed some grub at Wendy's and then hit the slopes! I have never been a fantastic snowboarder and I only got to go once last year and this was my first time up this year, but we had a blast up at Sundance. Both the boys are better and much faster than me, but I held my own, only fell once, and had fun. Its funny how you forget how much you love something until you do it again for the first time in a long time. I have to tell you how entertaining some guys are when they get together and start talking. I don't think I have ever heard so many "dudes" in such a short amount of time before. But i'm sincerely glad those two seem to get along so well :) We left Sundance early enough to make it back for Brent's basketball game at 10pm (who does that?!) and then spent the rest of the night just relaxing.

Have any of ya'll Provo peeps been to Kneaders? If not, change that ASAP, because its breakfast heaven on earth. Thats how we spend saturday morning, bright and early, with Brent's brother David and his wife Kirstin. It was Brent's first time there, which is tragic considering how much time he has spent in Provo. Their $5 bottomless french toast is glorious delectable goodness, and Brent impressed us all by putting down 5 pieces of it :) We're talking HUGE pieces here people, not some wimpy little piece of bread. Believe me, you would have been impressed too.

Still training for half marathon #3. Did a 9-miler on saturday afternoon after my test. It was a tough one considering my lack of sleep and slightly tired legs from boarding the night before. But I toughed it out and made it back to the apartment RIGHT as my Garmin ticked to the 9 mile mark. What a tender mercy that was haha. It really wiped me out for the rest of the day though, I was pretty worthless after working that hard. Props to big sister Kirstin for her 24-miler on saturday!!

Saturday night was spend with Brent, a trip to Smith's, and spinach smoothies. Don't tell me its gross if you've never had one. Because its incredibly delicious, and if you don't believe me get your booty to my apartment right now so I can prove you wrong. I then lazed on the couch and did nothing except watch TV/movies for a few hours while Brent worked on homework/got distracted by the TV haha.

Sunday sunday sunday. Meeting, church, another meeting, food, nap. All good stuff. For the first time in over a month I got all my homework done on saturday so I didn't have any to do on sunday which was such a blessing and it really let me enjoy the day without stressing about anything. I need to get back on track doing that every week.

Sunday afternoon was spent at Brent's sister's house for a valentines party. It was awesome. His family is full of energy and laughter and teasing and happiness and tickling and crazy cute kids and just all around fun. We ate good food and had a good time. The kids all exchanged valentines and several of them even had notes and candy for me. It was so cute and super sweet :)

Did I mention it was like 60 degrees and sunny on saturday and then snowy all day sunday? Dang crazy bipolar weather. Good thing i've been feeling extremely unpicky and flexible with the weather lately! Whatever it is, bring it on and i'll enjoy it! See, proof:

One last thing. Saw this on a streetlight pole on my run this morning and just had to laugh. Some people take the time to do the weirdest things, but its great because it provides for great entertainment (and blog topics) for other people!

Happy monday friends!


  1. Do you have 48 hour days on your weekends? I can't figure out how you crammed that much into just a few days.
