Saturday, February 11, 2012

Quite the Spectacle

Speaking of spectacles... check us out. You might be thinking to yourself, "oh haha those silly girls and their dumb dollar store purchases." Well thats where I tell you you're wrong! These glasses are no fake business. They're quite real. They are nice sturdy glasses with our prescribed prescription in them. They actually help us see. This is no joke. Okay well that part is a lie, it sort of is. Lindsey and I sat down a couple weeks ago and started browsing through my favorite online glasses site, each of us considering purchasing a new pair of spiffy glasses for ourselves. This experience quickly transformed into a challenge and a dare. We each went through and tried to pick out the most ridiculous pair of glasses we could find for each other. And then... we ordered them. She got me all set up with these beauties that are nice and round as a full moon, an oreo, a silver dollar, a ritz cracker, whichever round item you prefer to compare them to. Or, if you're a certain kind of cool, you can just call me a Harry Potter-ess. I got her hooked up with the slick super sleek lime green giant frames.

Now you might be asking yourself how in tarnation we were able to make such a purchase? Well, let me tell you. Its this super special spectacle website that my buddy Rory hooked me up with last year. I was a little bit spectacle skeptical at first, but I gave it a try and they are GREAT! And the best part is, they were $6.95 each. A grand total of $11 for each pair. Impressed and want to know more, ask me and i'll hook you up with the deets :)

We rock them, and we all know it.

Okay, the title of this post is SUCH a dad pun. I've gotta watch myself on those. But come on, its funny right?

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