Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Next Pablo Picasso

Visiting in my home ward relief society today, I stole my mom's ipad from her and, in the attempt to come off as that irresponsible, inattentive college student that I am, searched through her apps and pictures and whatnot to see what entertainment I could find. 
After doodling my initials about a million times (because yes, I am still a 3rd grader at heart who loves to practice and perfect my own signature), I found the beautiful pictures featured below. Considering i'm not sure my mom even knows how to use her Doodle app, I figured these masterpieces weren't hers to claim. I'm pretty sure these originated from my nieces and nephew begging to use their gramma's ipad every time it makes an appearance.
And oh, what incredible artists they are! I'm not going to lie, I laughed... a lot. At one point, probably too much. Probably enough that I was a bit of a distraction to the teacher since I was sitting in the front row and wiping my giggle-fit tears away. Do you think I was able to smoothly make those look like touched-by-the-lesson-tears? Hmm, not sure about that one.
Darn irresponsible, inattentive college student.

Well, at least he doesn't have too far to go after that failed fire dance...

Who doesn't love puppies in the desert?


You know how some things just seem way funnier than they should be?
Maybe it was just an in-the-moment/you-had-to-be-there kind of thing.
But this is the one that really got me going. It's so... outside the box, you know what I mean? 

Okay so then I saw this one. 
Definitely not done by one of the little people.
Definitely one of my father's creations. 
Dad is majorly creatively talented.
It doesn't matter if its on a restaurant napkin, the corner of a newspaper, a computer, or an ipad. 
He got the skills.
I inherited my love of drawing trees from him. So random. But he is SO much better at it!


  1. Its 1:30 in the morning, I'm laying in bed while my roommate is sleeping and just trying not to laugh out loud. I can completely see why you'd be laughing like that during r.s. Oh my gosh. The snowman...

    I'd buy one and put it in my home.

  2. I'm not really sure I know what you mean... but i'm glad you enjoyed it! :)
