A series of unfortunate events recently led me to spend a few hours over the course of a few days at the dentist office.
They've robbed me.
Of money.
Of time.
Friday, it was the left side. When they first numbed me up, it wasn't very strong. I could still feel my tongue and most of my lips on that side. Once they got started, I was clearly uncomfortable and so I think the doc decided to just be extra sure I couldn't feel anything and went full steam ahead with the happy numbing needle. After that I didn't feel a thing (can I get a hallelujah!?). If only they could have numbed my eardrums too so I didn't have to hear anything either. Ugh.
Anyway, I walked out of that place certain that the left side of my face was the size of three grapefruits. Slurring my words and half-smiling, I couldn't believe that it was possible that I looked almost normal! Every time I poked my lip or put on chapstick, it just led to a fit of giggles. Numbness anywhere in my body has been known to bring out the giggles in me.
Eventually, it all led me to taking a series of selfies. It happens.
Turns out... you really would never be able to tell that my lip felt like a slug and my tongue had been rendered useless.
Then my roommate brought me a hot fudge shake from Sonic (I didn't even buy the girl a stinking birthday present, and yet she spoils me with treats after a simple dentist procedure. Yeah, i'm the worst friend ever). Well anyway, the functioning half of my tongue thoroughly enjoyed the chocolatey goodness. It may or may not have taken me a little while to realize that some spoonfuls were leaking out all over my chin... but nobody needs to see that.
Saturday morning I woke up with a surprise, and not a happy one: throat swollen, cheeks puffy, and lips nearing Angelina Jolie status. I might have freaked out a little bit and immediately sent off this picture to my mother asking whattheheckdoIdonow?! I share this picture publicly with the plea that you note the very real panic in my eyes and choose not to make fun of my just woke up/allergic reaction status face. Please and thank you.
Okay fine, i'll allow 3 seconds of genuine laughter. I at least gave myself that much.
Today I went back for round #2.
THANK HEAVENS it is finally over. Right side is thoroughly numb now, and I am just hoping and praying I don't have another reaction to the anesthetic. I'd rather not have to walk around campus tomorrow with a scarf hiding my face so I don't scare any of the little freshmen... or, you know, any of the cute (non-freshmen) men. Fingers crossed.
But oh baby i'll tell ya what, if ever there was a time to get my tongue pierced, its now! Also, with half a face as numb as mine, I can't help but imagine how hilarious it would be to attempt to kiss someone right now. Again, i'm struck with the giggles as I try to imagine it. Numbed up girl is cracking herself up over here. Its a good thing they don't give any loopy meds with the numbing stuff... you just never know what that combo might lead me to try! :)
Okay well anyway...
Cheers to diligently brushing your teeth and flossing daily and getting cavities anyway.
Life is so fair.
Happy(ish) monday!