Sunday, August 16, 2015

Summer: Hiking with some goats and puppies

It's funny, even though I finished school over a year go, I still start to get that end of summer impending doom feeling right around this time. I'm all like oh no, summer is over!? Back to the stressful difficult school grind?! But honestly not too much changes for me anymore. Sure, Matt will be back at UVU for the year and still working which means less time to play with me (boo) but I'll still go to work several days a week, working as a nurse which I love, come home without homework... and then get paid every once in a while for doing it. Graduating and having a job is the best! Don't worry friends (and dearest sister) I know many of you are almost there too! :)

This was my first full working summer, and while that can be a major bummer sometimes because there is no real full long break and sometimes having to miss out on things, there is still a different feel about this time of year. Its a time for bocce ball and fun vacations and reading Harry Potter and playing in the sun and weddings and getting a tan!

I have far too many pictures for just one post, so we'll take it a few steps at a time. Lets start with the very few times we've been cool enough to venture down to Provo and hang out with other cool people. Coupled wiiiiith... puppies and goats of course.

Early in the summer we did a monday night FHE hike to Stewart Falls with Rachel and Lee.... who are basically our favorite couple on the planet. 

Millions of peaches!

Then theres these girls. I can't believe its been two years since we met as counselors at BYU Sports Camp and became the best of gal pals. I love them like crazy, but it takes a serious miracle for us all to be available at the same time on the same day. But we finally made it happen for one whole hour, and what a glorious time it was!

Matt's parents' goats had baby goats! So tiny and hilarious, we had some fun playing with them when they were only one day old.
|| that beard though... more to come on that in a later post ||

PUPPY BARN! We dedicated a date night to go to a place in American Fork where you can just hold tiny little adorable puppies waiting to be adopted. This was so good for my soul.

Too hilarious of a face not to share!

Summer, to be continued...

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