Monday, July 29, 2013

The Bachelorettes

Annie, Me, Dez, and Karli

Sometimes I see or meet people and boom, right away I know i'm going to like them. Sometimes... not so much... in fact maybe a little bit of the opposite (judgey bad person thing to do, I know). But let me tell you, with these girls right here, it was like BOOM I LIKE THESE PEOPLE. We were BYU Sports Camp Counselors together, and shoot our friendship must have been written in the stars. It was meant to be. For the second time this Summer (Tonga being the first), i've formed very tight relationships with people in a very short time. I feel blessed to be surrounded by such incredible, uplifting people!

One of our very first nights when dearest Annie and I were roomies, we made this video with Dez. It was exactly what we needed to break barriers and bond.

Annie and I were roommates one of our first weeks, and then again on my very last week. FATE. Love her. Love her face. Love our retainers.

Desiree. Beautiful woman. She makes me laugh. Like, a LOT. And I pick up her sayings real fast.
I just can't.
Let it happen.
K bye.

A little bocce ball action here on Karli's 21st birthday.

Sometimes its blazing hot outside and we'll do some quick bonding with trees in order to cool off and use their shade. Obvi.

Ohhhh my sweet Karli. The moment we met was the best:
Karli: "Okay this is kind of creepy but I know you because you're like best friends with Julia and you're all over her Facebook in tons of pictures. I'm her cousin."
Me: "Oh... yeah, okay I think i've seen you before too. Awesome"
The rest is history. I love her to pieces.

This is how we really are most of the time...

So much love. I miss them like crazy and I CAN NOT WAIT until the Fall when we'll all be reunited in P-town so we can party again! And not always be matchy-matchy in our super attractive counselor shirts haha.

We have created group text messages. It is constantly hilarious. I had to post just one snippet that made me smile quite a lot.

Also, we created a Facebook chat with all four of us. This thing is SO freaking funny. We get on there all at the same time and we just talk and talk and talk all at once and we coincidentally say the same things at the same time or we egg each other on or we encourage or we get the gossip flying. Other times we just get on there one and a time and give life updates and everyone else makes their comments on it, gives advice, consoles, encourages, etc. There are no barriers in this here convo. We talk about EVERYTHING. Women tell all. I wish I could post more, but I can't be giving away anyone's secrets :)
It is appropriately named: The Bachelorettes.

Shoot dang, saying goodbye to them last week was rough. Thank goodness for our online and texting conversations and our never ending use of snapchat. What in the world would happen to friendships these days without the use of our iphones? ;-)

There just aren't words good enough to explain how much I love and appreciate these girls. You think that nobody can be THAT close after only a month? I tell you you're wrong. They know just what to say and when and how to say it. Already they've helped me so much and they make my life a brighter and happier place. People like that are priceless angels for me!

Girls, you know I love ya.
And I miss you.
I literally can not.
Don't you dare forget about me while i'm away from Utah and y'all are together there in Provo.
Um, k byeee.

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