Monday, September 16, 2013

College Turned Me Weird(er)

Have you ever added someone new on Facebook and then thought: hmm, I wonder what this person's impression of me will be after the typical initial Facebook stalk they do on me? 
And then you go stalk yourself for a little bit...
And you realize that to this stranger-recently-turned-friend might make a few snap judgements based on some pretty interesting things they see.

In high school I was just a totally normal girl*. Okay well, mostly. Maybe.

But then I came to college, and apparently something changed. The pictures that have accumulated and been posted on Facebook over the last 3ish years of my life are... well honestly I wouldn't say its going too far to say that some of them are pretty frightening. I look at this girl with my face, wearing my clothes, living in my apartment, and I wonder, who is that?! That can't be me. I didn't really do that.

Oh wait. Yes I did. 
Because college turned me weird.

Put four to six girls into one small apartment which is surrounded by many other small apartments also crammed full of four to six girls and let me tell you, sometimes you just don't have any control over the chaotic random happenings. There are no explanations, no reasons, no justifications. It just happens

While it is true that many of these pictures are from my freshman year when the newfound independence was used to put gummy bears in my nose and panty hose over my head, I can't say that the college weirdness has subsided completely. It is true that some of it still endures. Catch me in the right mood with the right people at the right moment with a camera in hand, and those judgement-worthy Facebook pictures will just keep coming.
(Quick note... after finishing this post, I suddenly realize a common denominator in many of these pictures... and her name is Lindsey Hanna. I mean i'm just saying.)

My plea to those reading/looking/watching all of this stuff: Hopefully you know me personally enough to not judge me TOO harshly!

Oh gosh, and not to mention the cringe-worthy video evidence...

This one was captured less than year ago while I was getting ready for a big significant first date. 
As you can hear, I can't sing to save my life, and thus I was mortified.

*Fine, lets be honest. I've been a face-making, cheesin' weirdo from the very beginning. Its just who I am at heart!

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