Tuesday, April 10, 2012

5 Things You Wouldn't Have Known

5 things you never would have known about my weekend if you hadn't looked at my blog today:

1. One thing about having parents in town means bomb awesome trips to Costco. There's gas in my car and now the fridge, freezer, cupboards, and storage bin under my bed = FULLY stocked with food. Huge thanks to mom and dad for being so great and generous and providing so much for me :) You can see the best purchase of the day in my cart below: my new roomie for the fall!

2. Easter is always better with family. And Easter egg hunts in front of the apartment complex. And siblings who push each other over racing to the nearest candy filled plastic egg. And time with extended family. And a delicious dinner. And pie. And sitting in the sunshine. Seriously good times.

3. Dad snores.

4. Temple Square is so beautiful this time of year, especially when its a gorgeous sunshiny spring day.

5. For those of you have followed this story line (see here and here), I got dad back! I planted two of our golf balls in his luggage the night before he left. I thought I was victorious. Until that moment when I was pulling away in my car and he says, "Check your glove box. I left something for you there." So I guess we got each other this time! The war continues.

I absolutely loved my family filled weekend. But off my parents jet back to Seattle today, and now its time to crack down and finish up the semester. Today is my last day of actual classes, and finals start on saturday. Lets do it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for spending time with us, and thank you for sharing your mom and dad with us. Good luck this week with finishing up.
