Friday, November 4, 2011


My parents are driving to California right now. LUCKY DUCKS. I wish I was with them because they are going to see these beautiful people:

My handsome brother Kevin and my gorgeous sister-in-law Carli and my adorable niece Paige. It has been too long since I have seen them. We video chat occasionally, but come on its just not the same as being right there to play games, have family dinners, go do fun things, and play with Paige to make sure she knows i'm her aunt Nettie! Kirstin's kids lived closer when they were little, and I have made more than a few trips to Utah and Texas since they left Seattle. Those kids know me and are used to me. I hate the thought of showing up to visit my future nieces and nephews someday and they either don't recognize me or they're not comfortable around me or I scare them or something. That would be so awful! I want to make a special effort to be that fun special (favorite!) aunt that they all love and want to be around because they know i'll play games and spoil them with stuff their parents won't buy :) So I think i've got work to do with precious little Paigey. I need more face time. More recognition. More interaction. Just Christmastime isn't enough.

Conclusion: I think I need to go to California. Seriously, I don't know how long I can resist this:

So, Kev and Carli, when are ya ready for me?


  1. We're ready whenever you are! Wish you were coming with your parents but we'll do facetime really soon so you can get your Paige fill. :-D Love you!

  2. Okay good :) But seriously, I want to come down sometime next spring.
