Monday, May 28, 2012

Gretchen's Debut

Alrighty Gretchen, here ya go!

My new roomie and I discussed the other day that its long overdue that her incredible existence in my life be mentioned on this here little blog of mine. Certainly thats the truth. She and I have struck up quite the friendship in the last couple of weeks, and we've already had some pretty good times that have included early morning rides to work, tidying up the kitchen, beltin' out Bieber's Boyfriend, peeling the loose skin off each other's painful sun scorched backs (gross, sick, and twisted, we know), battling the horrendous smells that seem to endlessly overtake our kitchen, and talking a whole heck of a lot.
And now, i'm convinced of something. This chica is trying to make me really, really fat. This has been evidenced through the endless goodies that she supplies. They're everywhere, all the time! The bottomless jar of candy that sits by the front door, the chocolate chip cookies in the oven, the cookie dough in the fridge, the irresistible homemade oreos (shown below), the muffins, I swear it never ends! You're great Gret, but quit trying to make me the next contestant on the BIggest Loser, will ya?! ;-)

Honestly though, i'm thankful for this girl. I'll admit I was a little nervous when three new girls (shout outs to Kenzie and Alexis too!) who already knew each other moved in with me, but its turned out to be pretty great. Of the 4 of us, she and I have found ourselves with plenty of one on one time just lounging around the apartment and its been nice to just chat and get to know each other. I've quickly learned that there's no need to by shy or hesitant with Gretchen. She is always excited to see me. She tells me she missed me when we've been apart for less than an hour. She eagerly and sincerely asks questions about me and the happenings of my life. And every time I walk out the front door she calls out, "love you!" which always causes me to leave the apartment with a smile on my face. While we're only roomies until fall, i'm thankful to have such a friendly, warm, and loving girl to live with. 

Love ya Gret! 
{And seriously, lets hurry on up and get some real pictures together so I don't just have to resort to evidencing your existence through a mouth watering dessert}

1 comment:

  1. Why didnt I see this before?? Jannette you are the cutest, sweetest thing!!! I love you so so much! I am so glad I get to live with you for another semester! And don't even get me started on all the wonderful things you do for me and put up with. You are too amazing. LOVE YOU!
