Monday, May 7, 2012

What Made My Day Special

I have the BEST. FAMILY. EVER. So there I was just laying on my bed this afternoon, studying for my dreaded physical science exam, when there was a knock on the door. I jump up to answer it and open the door to see not a person, but a pretty little package sitting at my feet. And it was addressed to me! I love it when that happens. However, the writing on this package was not my mamma's recognizable script. Curious, I opened it up and was delighted to find it filled to the brim with a bunch of my favorite things: Peanut butter Oreos, Nutella, Reeses, Mn'Ms, a cute journal, and some yummy smelling lotions. And then I saw the note with loving messages from my Uncle Vince, Aunt Tamara, and little cousins McKenna, Lilly, and Bryce. Thank you SO much you guys! My heart just melted in happiness and warmth and gratitude for my family that I miss so much. I consider myself lucky to be related to so many good people. Aunts who text me, uncles who message me on facebook, cousins who come visit me at my apartment, grandparents who send me holiday packages and love me endlessly, siblings who text, call, and have me over for dinner, and parents who are always there for me and even come visit me (they'll be here in a month!). Shoot. I am so lucky. So blessed.

I recognize that not everyone has a family like mine, and I never want a day to pass where I take them for granted. Every family has its flaws. There are issues and problems and disagreements and trials. Money struggles, strayed rebellious siblings, family units torn apart. There are heartaches and tragedies and sometimes family matters that are just plain old hard. But I promise you no matter what kind of family you come from, you are loved. You don't have to be blood related to someone to consider them family. The friends who never leave your side, the friendly face who sits next to you when you're sitting alone, the angels who offer a simple kind act of service - consider them your family. You have a Heavenly Father and elder brother Jesus Christ who never leave your side. Even if all else fails, they are your family. You are always loved.

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