Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Teeth Thief

I was playing N64 Mario Party in my basement after a sleepover when I lost my first tooth. It was the bottom front one on the left. I was so excited for my first visit from the tooth fairy. That tiny little tooth was tucked safely under my pillow that night and I woke up to find 4 precious quarters in its place the next morning. Beyond that, I don't remember much about losing my baby teeth, except that losing 2 molars in the same day, when you're eating oreos, all while painting your house, is SO not the clean way to do it. I actually missed out on a lot of teeth-losing opportunities because I had so many of my teeth pulled at the dentist's office. In fact, 13 in all. 9 of them were baby teeth, and 4 of them were permanent molars that were removed to make room for all those other giant chompers that were looking for a space to come in. When I was 7 or 8 I had 5 teeth all removed at once, and they were allll on the top, front and center. I looked ridiculous. At least it gave me plenty of excuses to eat nothing but noodles and ice cream for a little while, and the tooth fairy had quite the responsibility for those 5 teeth all at once! And then of course last Thanksgiving I had my wisdom teeth removed, hopefully putting a final end to my history of oral surgery. Let me tell you though, those things probably could have earned me ten dollar bills from the tooth fairy.

{One of my more toothless days}

                                             My sweet little niece Rachel lost her first tooth last week.

Unfortunately, its already evident that that girl is going to be needing some serious metal works in her mouth someday (you can't tell much from this picture, but there's a grown up tooth already replacing the one she lost... its just wayyyy back there). But she's still cute as a button and was so excited about this rite of passage in her life. Acting as the tooth fairy for Rae for the first time, my sister (oops, sorry guys, spoiler alert!) found this adorable note accompanying her tooth under the pillow. I just love her so much. You'd think she thought Santa Claus was coming 7 months early. Her kind request for batteries for her new "spinning toothbrush" or a new hello kitty toothbrush instead of money just melted my heart :)

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