Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My City's Filthy

{see the t-shirts?}
I do the wave. I eat licorice and peanuts. I scream and jump up and down when Felix gets yet another K. I pick favorites. I sing Take Me Out To The Ball Game during the 7th inning stretch, and immediately following I dance to Louie Louie, as is tradition. I grew up waving a rally rag. I love Ken Griffey and Randy Johnson. I hate Alex Rodriguez. I've almost been hit by foul balls. I remember they day the Kingdome came down. Safeco Field is on my list of my top 10 favorite places on the planet. I turn my hat inside out during the 9th inning. I love it when the batter charges the mound. I loved watching Lou Pinella pick up the base and throw it in anger. I eat chocolate when we need good luck. There've been a couple of times that i've been spoiled with really good seats. I keep track of balls, strikes, and outs. I remember when my dad held my hand during the 1st pitch in Safeco Field just so we could always say that we did that. Hearing Dave Niehaus' booming "MYYY OHHH MYYY" makes me emotional.

I love baseball. The Mariner's may not be the best team in baseball. Heck, they might be the worst team in baseball (not according to our standings at the moment!). But I love those boys. I've been bred a die hard M's fan, and i'm telling you right now that'll never change. Love for the Mariners runs in my blood. Very few things make me happier than a beautiful evening listening to, watching, or being at a ball game. Now that the season is fully underway, it kills me not to be back in Seattle going to games where I can hear the train, smell the garlic fries, watch the boat races, and keep an eye on my precious Franklin Gutierrez. I hate not being able to turn on Komo 1000 to listen to the game while I drive home from work and walk in the door to hear its already playing in the kitchen while my mom makes dinner. You can be sure my ten days at home at the end of July/beginning of August will be full of some baseball lovin'. Until then, i'll just have to settle with sharing a few of the reasons I love them so much.

Just a few of the many great M's commercials.

This video is from last night's game. I just love these guys.

Macklemore agrees. They're the best. I really truly start to tear up when I watch that game video and hear Dave's exclamations.

Gorgeous summer night out on the field.

I've been to more games than I can count with my dad.

MmmmMM!! Love me some Guti Booty :)

Check that hat haha.


1 comment:

  1. I wore my M's shirt today in honor of them playing Texas. I got a few dirty looks. :)
